Weekly Wrap-Up: My nonstop party weekend! ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

Weekly Wrap-Up: My nonstop party weekend!

It's getting hard to recap all of these weeks.  I have so much going on and I'm not great at taking pictures as things happen.  Oh well.  :)


  • Sights: BBQ in the park, Swap meet finds, Fabric outlet
  • Eats: Sweet Jill's, Simmzy's, Pool party feast, Sankai sushi

Last Week
For whatever reason, I forgot to share the time I spent with my friend while we ate and chatted for hours.  We met on a street where there are lots of restaurants a few cute little shops.  Just check  out the window display of this store, one of my faves!  Think of it as a tiny Anthropologie with a home section and cute clothes too.

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Anyways, we met after work and naturally had dessert first at Sweet Jill's!  We split a cinnamon roll with icing on the side.  Mmm mmm mmm!

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She was a bit hungry, so we walked down to Simmzy's, which is right down the street.  I've been there a couple of times, so I knew that the burgers would be yummy.  :)

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Coming back to this week now... I had so much to do, so here goes!


I had a work meeting that started late, which ended up turning into dinner with the boss and his family.  At first, I wanted to keep the plans I had to bowl in downtown L.A. with my friend, but it's hard for me to turn down a direct invitation like that!  However, by the end of the night I was having so much fun because his elderly, 98-year-old mother-in-law was hilarious!  It was like watching an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond with all of the funny/crazy things she said.  A total riot!

I ended up getting in pretty late, and then had a conversation with my cousin that lasted until 2 am.  That probably wasn't the smartest idea, because I had to get up bright and early the next day!


Luckily, I woke up without an alarm, ready to take on the day.  I had an appointment and went grocery shopping before heading back home.  From there, I carpooled with a friend to a nearby park, where my gym was having an event!

We had a workout in the sweltering heat and under the sun, but we made it through!  There was a bounce house for the kids and booths from local businesses where we got free samples of products and all kinds of goodies.  :)  We finished just in time to eat some yummy grub, all organic and Paleo-friendly.

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Next, my friend and I went to the swap meet so I could get some cones of thread for my new serger.  I bought around 27 cones of good quality thread in practically every color (but mostly neutral) and a bunch of invisible zippers for $25.  It's a good thing I spotted the zippers because I was starting to run out of them!

By the way, check out these awesome items at the swap meet.  A real spinning wheel, a pretty roll-top desk, and a grandfather clock.  I actually ended up buying a stack of vintage advertisements for $1!  They're so cute, I'll have to photograph them and share one day.

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Next, we went to Costco to buy supplies for my party the next day.  After getting home, my friend helped me a ton by baking some cookies with me.  I had to bring them to a birthday party that day and totally forgot to mix the dough the previous night!  Eek!  I will share the recipe and a few of the pictures later.  :)

Later on, my guy and I went to the birthday party and stayed up to a completely unreasonable hour.  We talked, played board games, and everything in between.  It was 3 am before I went to sleep!


I had to get up early to start my shredded beef going in the slow cooker, so once again I had very little sleep.  All in all, I ended up making a huge salad, a pesto pasta salad, and a taco bar with all the fixings, including shredded beef and fish.  I decided to skip the coconut ice cream, because it wasn't super hot, and we were stuffed anyways!

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By the end of the night, I was so tired that I fell asleep while everyone was watching a comedy special on TV.  I'm pretty sure that I slept for only a minute or two, but I really have no idea.  I was pooped!


The only fun thing I did on Monday was to meet up with a friend to look for some swimsuit fabric for a new suit.  I'm not sure if this will work out completely, since I've never made one, and especially because I'm fashioning my pattern from a dress that I like.  We'll have to see!

I remembered this tiny, crowded fabric store that had swimsuit fabric, and I was right!  The hard part was deciding on a color, but I settled on an eggplant purple.  Anyways, I bought enough yardage to make a one-piece and a bikini, as well as 10 yards of 1/4-inch elastic for my stash all for $10.

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I had a bit of time on Tuesday to have a mid-workday lunch out.  So off we went to Sankai Sushi!  I love bento boxes.  :)

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Well, this weekend is going to be tiring what with Thursday and Friday off and a party with the whole family for July 4th.  I'm already looking forward to recapping next week!
