July 4th "Neapolitan" Ice Cream (with Coconut, Raspberry & Blueberry flavors!) ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

July 4th "Neapolitan" Ice Cream (with Coconut, Raspberry & Blueberry flavors!)

A couple days ago, I shared with you the Coconut, Raspberry & Blueberry Ice Cream recipe that I'm going to make for our July 4th party.  Yum!

I promised that today I would share my super awesome method of serving the dessert for company, and here it is!

July 4th

Neapolitan ice cream is typically made with vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate to mimic the Italian flag, so I figured why not do the same thing with American colors on our Independence day!

Here's the quick tutorial on how to make your own July 4th Neopolitan ice cream.  :)

July 4th

What you will need
  • Coconut, raspberry, and blueberry ice cream, using this recipe
  • A container to hold your ice cream
  • Knife or spatula

  • You will need to work fast because the coconut ice cream melts FAST!
  • Even if it isn't perfect (like mine), the scoops will end up looking fabulous!


1. Make (or buy) the ice cream!

2. Check out the container that you want to place your finished product in, to estimate how you want to arrange your ice cream.  I just decided to do three stripes of red, white, and blue each taking up 1/3 of the container.

3. Cut the ice cream into blocks or shapes that will fit into the portions that you want to fill.  If necessary, tip the container onto its side.  I forgot to take a picture of this part...  Oops!

4. Repeat for the other ice cream colors.

July 4th

5. Smush down the ice cream as evenly as possible, to fill in the spaces between the chunks of ice cream.

July 4th

6. Refreeze the container, since some melting will have occurred.

July 4th

7. Scoop, serve, and eat!

July 4th

Personally, I love each ice cream flavor on its own, so this is the perfect way to serve them.  Still separate enough to appreciate each taste, but together in one scoop!
Also, I think it would be a great idea to decorate your container with removable vinyl and have a really festive dessert!  If you plan on having your ice cream sitting out on the table during a BBQ or picnic, consider housing it in a pre-frozen ice cream maker drum, which will keep it frozen for a really long time.

Bon appetit!

What do you plan on making for July 4th?
