It's Thursday and time for another guest post. Today, we have Rachel from The Hollywood Sew, and yes she is another member of Stitch Once, Rip Twice! Whether or not you sew, if you love vintage garments, you will adore her website. Today, she's sharing a bit about her website and letting you in on the giveaway that she's hosting!
Hi my name is Rachel and I run The Hollywood Sew, a website dedicated to sewing wearable outfits inspired by popular television shows and movies.
When Diane reached out to our sewing group Stitch Once, Rip Twice about guest posting I jumped at the chance to feature my giveaway.
The projects I sew are designed to be a translation of the costumes on the selected show or movie to a comfortable, flattering and less conspicuous look, but still have a recognisable flare.
For each project I sketch three options based on an existing pattern that readers vote on for me to make and I post a tutorial on my design adjustments. Currently I am working on a Lady Mary of Downton Abbey project and would love to hear your comments. All voters are entered to win the Behind the Scenes at Downton Abbey book.
To enter the giveaway please vote in the comments section of the post here. Voting closes midnight Monday August 19th and is open worldwide. Thanks to Diane for featuring the giveaway!
Also for those interested I also do blog graphic design, if your blog is in need of a redesign or just a new header please email for a quote :)
Pop on over to The Hollywood Sew to vote for your favorite garment and enter for a chance to win. I did! Make sure to check out her other fabulous garments (including one from our Black & White challenge) and her vintage visits for inspiration.
Thanks Rachel, and good luck to everyone!