Gray & Yellow Maxi Dress (Round 1) ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

Gray & Yellow Maxi Dress (Round 1)

The last few projects that I've sewn have gone like this: begin project --> dislike how it fits --> put away into a deep dark corner --> pretend it doesn't exist.

Well, this is starting to become pretty normal, and I don't like it!

I've made it my mission to stop this habit before it forms, and this will be my first crack at transitioning from amateur seamstress to tailor.  This will be my "before" post, so hopefully I have a great "after" post to match!


I actually sewed this in the couple of days before mimi g's conference with the intention of wearing it while going fabric shopping.  Obviously, I didn't get to wear it, but I did bring it with me on Day 2 and got some great advice from Mimi!  More on that later.  :)


I used Simplicity 2219 for the pattern because I wanted a maxi dress that I could wear a regular bra with.

The fabric was bought from the swap meet for less than $1/yard.  All in all, this was probably less than $3 worth of fabric!


Now here's the problem.  It's a lovely dress from the front, but from the side...


Yikes!  It definitely makes me look pregnant and gives me a HUGE rear!  It actually looks much worse on.  :(  I tried belting it, but it looked awkward.

Basically, the advice that mimi g gave me was to add a waistband because empire cuts really only flatter larger shaped gals.  The good news is that I'm a smaller girl!  The bad news is that I have to take apart my dress, insert a waistband, and alter the skirt before I can wear it.

Well, here's my project for the week.  I'll let you all know how it turns out because I'm determined to not just make patterns, but tailor them to fit me.  :)  Wish me luck!
