Travel Tip #1: Get a Travel Mascot! ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

Travel Tip #1: Get a Travel Mascot!

I am loaded with tons of useful travel tips: how to pack for 4 weeks in a carry-on suitcase, traveling through security the fastest and easiest way, and how to save money on food.

This is not one of those tips!

I am all about planning and budgeting my trips beforehand, but once I'm on vacation, it's time to have fun.

Meet my travel mascot: Little Miss!

Leaning Tower of Pisa!

I think having a little travel buddy is fun for everyone, and I'm sure kids would love it!  My particular mascot is a Little Miss Late figurine I had when I was a kid from the Mr. Men / Little Miss series by Roger Hargreaves.  Honestly, I have no reason why I picked her, except that she was the smallest toy I had (no space in the suitcase), and she was a great selection!

Friends and family have brought her to several places as well in the last two years.  Here is a sampling of my photos with Little Miss and a few tips for picking your own travel mascot!

*Scroll down for a bonus picture of Little Miss and a couple of rock stars!*


Coliseum in Rome
Obelisk in Paris
The Louvre in Paris

1. Pick a figurine that stands up on its own.  Otherwise you'll have to hold it or drape it over items in the environment.

Place de la Concorde in Paris
Versailles Gardens
Ruins in Greece

2. Pick something colorful!  It'll stand out against brown or gray buildings easily.

Beach in Greece 
Dubrovnik, Croatia

3. Pick something small.  That way you can sneak it out easily (such as during serious music concerts in Vienna).  Also, a bulky or heavy item would make it much less convenient during your travels.

Music Hall in Vienna
Prague Castle
Astronomical Clock in Prague

Miscellaneous Countries

4. If you plan on loaning out your travel mascot, make sure you can wash easily (not a stuffed animal) because people will invariably put it on something a little fishy...

At the fish market in the Philippines!
Buying ice cream in the Philippines

5. Also, make sure you have your travel buddy do the things that you do when you travel, like sleep on the plane!

Overlooking Bogota, Colombia


6. Take pictures around events near home too!  They can be just as exciting.

At a Lakers game!
Long Beach Grand Prix

7. If necessary, bring something sturdy for the figurine to stand on if you can't find anything in the environment (my Kindle case works perfectly).

L.A. Farmer's Market!

8. Pictures next to signs are a cute way to keep track of everything!

Sampling Food Trucks
Poolside in Palm Springs

9. Since food can often be the most memorable part of a trip, make sure to take pictures!

Sausages & fries at Wurstkuche

10. Try different poses as well!  Maybe she had a bit too much to drink...

Lots of beer at Wurstkuche
Driving down Route 66

11. Take a good mix of outside and inside pictures.

Vegas, baby!

12. The pictures you take should be ones that you would want to be in yourself.  The one below was taken against the sun, and probably should have been retaken...

Downtown Nashville
About to eat the best biscuits ever in Nashville...

13. Play "find the mascot" if it's small.  It can be a fun game as well.  :)

At the MoMA in New York.
Overlooking Central Park in NY.
In the streets of New York.

14. Lastly, always keep your travel mascot handy.  You never know who she's going to meet!

Little Miss & The Black Keys!

I hope this is a fun tip for you with handy guidelines for picking your own mascot.

Anyone out there do something similar?
