Sew L.A. & LAMILL Coffee adventures! ~ Diane's Vintage Zest!

Sew L.A. & LAMILL Coffee adventures!

I wanted to mention a few things that I was able to do this week that were so fun I had to share!  I hadn't noticed until I just typed it, but there is coincidentally an L.A. theme involved in their names.

Gertie's Book Party & Retro Picnic

First of all, I didn't mention that this weekend I went to the Sew L.A. event for Gertie's book launch.

It was sooo cute and the picnic theme was adorable!  Check out the spread below.


Also, they had an adorable photobooth station set up with the retro theme.  Cute!


I was a bit shy to talk to the main lady herself, and beside I didn't want to leave my significant other waiting around while I talked about sewing.  He was so nice for coming though!

LAMILL Coffee Tour

A while back my family and I met the owner of LAMILL and he was gracious enough to invite us to his roasting plant and have a tasting with us.  It was so fabulous!

I am a huge foodie nerd, so learning about how much effort goes into each step of the process was so fun.  And to see it up close was amazing!  I just marveled about how passionate someone can be for their livelihood, and it is absolutely contagious.

I only took one picture with my phone (I didn't want to be snap happy) in the tasting room.  Look how lovely everything looks!

Beautifully roasted beans, the equipment, and you can see a peek of the warehouse that we toured just before.

I can't wait to go to the Silverlake location soon, and enjoy the coffee knowing how it's been produced.

*Update*: The video they were shooting immediately before Craig took us on the tour is right here!  It shows the roasting plant, the tasting room, and the awesome people.


Two exciting adventures for the week and now I'm wired on coffee!  As long as I don't mix coffee (+shaky hands) and sewing, I should be fine.  :)
